Speakers iOS App


Leade.rs is building a platform that helps event organizers find and books the best speakers for high quality events. I designed the iOS app that helped speakers request an invite to the platform, manage their profile and inbound speaking requests.

Define User Flows

One of the first things that we focused on was to define the different sections of screens within the iOS app.

Onboarding Early Concepts

Creating a profile in the app required quite a bit of user input. Early iterations focused on breaking up the onboarding into separate screens.

Onboarding Screens

Claim Profile Prototype

A clear and modular onboarding experience

After different iterations of the onboarding experience were explored, I came to the conclusion that the onboarding experience needed to be modular and come across as simple to the end user. This meant that having a continuous experience with a progress bar might be too overwhelming. The onboarding experience that I designed allowed new users to see all the information required to complete their profile but also allowed the user to skip the onboarding in general. Skipping the onboarding meant there would be a reminder component that showed up in different screens of the app which encouraged users to complete their profile.

Modular Onboarding Protoype

Accept Speaking Opportunity

One of the main experiences in the app is when a speaeker receives a speaking opportunity. After receiving a speakeing opportunity the speaker can accept or decline. If the speaker declines an opportunity there is a simple questionnaire required. But if the speaker decides to accept a speaking opportunity, there are number of scenerios and UI elements that could differ depending if the speaking opportunity pays for speaking fees and / or expenses. I mapped out all of those different scenerios for the iOS developer on my team.


While designing the iOS app I ensured that all components used the default iOS system text styles and documented each custom component in order to help speed up development time.